Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Behind, Again...

Once again I find myself completely behind on everything…blogging included.  It’s public school spring break around these parts and schedules aren’t matching up.  Since I work in the office of a preschool that doesn’t adhere to the public school schedule and since I have a child in public school, our spring break schedules seldom (if ever) are the same.  So, this week Alex has been with me at school with me, at his grandpa’s and over at a friend’s.  That’s how we roll at our house, we piece things together to make it work.  I’m fortunate to have a great boss who lets me bring my kiddo to work during spring break and also a grandpa that watches my kiddo too!  They definitely help make the work/life balance thing workout.  I’ve crossed a few things off the to-do list, but I’ve added some too.  Such is life.  I was able to finish up the shirts for Alex’s musical.  I hope to share details before the weekend.

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